I have often thought what would happen if the borg suddenly decided to "revise" their "rules" about associating w/df'd or da'd family members. I am a forgiving person, but all trust has been lost. I believe it would be very difficult for me to resume a relationship w/someone that cause so much hurt and pain in my life.
Scootergirl, that is exactly how I feel. Unfortunately, my parents will never know this. I have often thought about getting reinstated just so I could shun them...I was angry and wanted revenge. It would hurt them to know that they could then talk to me but that I refused. I would turn the tables so to speak. But I am definitely NOT going back to a KH. They will never know how great my life is right now. They will never see the shine in my eyes.
Fire Dragon (aka Tina)
Edited by - Fire Dragon on 27 June 2002 11:34:23